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The Driving and Restraining Factors for Peat Forest Park Management and Sustainable Development Goal Partnership
Corresponding Author(s) : Christine Wulandari
Sustainability Science and Resources,
Vol. 1 (2021): Sustainability Science and Resources
Indonesia has the second largest peatland area in the world, of which 19% is damaged due partly to forest fires and encroachment. The Orang Kayo Hitam (OKH) forest park located in the Indonesian province of Jambi is one among several peat forests in the country that remain largely intake. But as do other forested areas, the park faces severe encroachment threats. Multistakeholder partnership as stipulated by Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 17 offers a reasonable strategy to mitigate the threats. This article studies the driving and restraining factors, both externally and internally, that affect preservation of the park’s peatland as well as the development of effective partnership strategies. Results of the force field analysis show that community’s knowledge and awareness about the link between the park’s ecological and economic functions are the strongest internal driving factors, while lack of them are the strongest restraining ones. Availability of endemic species and frequency of forest fires are the strongest external driving and restraining factors, respectively.
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- Darmawan B, Siregar YI, Sukendi and Zahrah. (2016). Pengelolaan Keberlanjutan Ekosistem Hutan Rawa Gambut terhadap Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Semenanjung Kampar, Sumatera (Sustainable Management of Peat Swamp Forest Ecosystems Toward Forest and Land Fires in Kampar Peninsula, Sumatera). J Manusia dan Lingkungan 23 (2): 195-205
- Dessy A. (2021). Implementasi Berbagai Program Pemulihan Gambut di Dalam Kawasan Konservasi Taman Hutan Raya Orang Kayo Hitam. Presented at National Seminar “Strategi Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut di Provinsi Jambi melalui Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Partispasi Masyarakat Sekitarnya” on 26 Juni 2021 by online
- Dohong A, Aziz A A, and Dargusch P. (2017). A review of the drivers of tropical peatland degradation in South-East Asia. Land Use Policy 69: 349 – 360
- Franke J, Navratil P, Keuck V, Peterson K, and Siegert, F. (2012). Monitoring fire and selective logging activities in tropical peat swamp forests. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens 5: 1811–1820.
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- Masganti, Wahyunto, Dariah A, Nurhayati, and Yusuf R, (2014). Karakteristik dan Potensi Pemanfaatan Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi di Provinsi Riau. J. Sumberdaya Lahan, 8:47-54.
- Miettinen,J, Hooijer A, Tollenaar D, Page DS, Malins C, Vernimmen R, Shi C, and Liew S. (2012) Historical Analysis and Projection of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion on Peatland in Southeast Asia. International Council on Clean Transporation White Paper, Washington DC.
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- Sarjono MA, and Wulandari C. (2014). Kemitraan KPH dan Masyarakat. In: Strategi Pengembangan KPH dan Perubahan Struktur Kehutanan Indonesia. Direktorat Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Jakarta. pp. 135-154.
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- Wulandari C, Budiono P, Yuwono SB, and Herwanti S. (2014). Adoption of agro-forestry patterns and crop system around Register 19 Forest Park, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 20 (2): 86—93.
- Wulandari C, and Budiono P. (2016). Food Security under Partnership Scheme at Production Forest Register 42 Way Kanan. Proceeding of USR International Conference on Food Security "Improving Food Security : The Challenges for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change. Emersia Hotel and Resort, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. 23 – 24 August 2016 Volume II p 29-37.
- Wulandari C, and Inoue M. (2018). “The Importance of Social Learning for the Development of Community Based Forest Management in Indonesia: The Case of Community Forestry in Lampung Province”. Small-scale Forestry 17 (3): 361-376.
- Wulandari C, Bintoro A, Rusita R, Duryat D, Kaskoyo H, Santoso T, Erwin E, and Budiono P. (2018). Community Forestry Adoption Based on Multipurpose Tree Species Diversity Towards to Sustainable Forest Management in ICEF of University of Lampung, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19(3): 1102 – 1109.
- Wahyunto and Mulyani A. (2011). Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Berkelanjutan. Balai Besar Litbang Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian. Bogor.
Aiken SR. (2004). Runaway Fires, Smoke-Haze Pollution, and Un-natural Disasters in Indonesia. The Geographical Review 94(1): 55-79
Aliadi A, Sundjaya, and Santosa A. (2015). Policy Paper “Tantangan Kebijakan Kemitraan Konservasi”. FKKM and Burung Indonesia, Bogor. Indonesia
Alisjahbana A S and Murniningtyas E. (2018).Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia: Konsep, Target dan Strategi Implementasi. Unpad Press. Bandung
Bayrak MM, Marafa LM. (2016). Review Ten Years of REDD+: A Critical Review of the Impact of REDD+ on Forest-Dependent Communities. Sustainability 2016, doi:10.3390/su8070620
Candra A. (2021). Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Gambut Berkelanjutan Provinsi Jambi Presented at National Seminar “Strategi Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut di Provinsi Jambi melalui Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Partispasi Masyarakat Sekitarnya” on 26 Juni 2021 by online
Darmawan B, Siregar YI, Sukendi and Zahrah. (2016). Pengelolaan Keberlanjutan Ekosistem Hutan Rawa Gambut terhadap Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Semenanjung Kampar, Sumatera (Sustainable Management of Peat Swamp Forest Ecosystems Toward Forest and Land Fires in Kampar Peninsula, Sumatera). J Manusia dan Lingkungan 23 (2): 195-205
Dessy A. (2021). Implementasi Berbagai Program Pemulihan Gambut di Dalam Kawasan Konservasi Taman Hutan Raya Orang Kayo Hitam. Presented at National Seminar “Strategi Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut di Provinsi Jambi melalui Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Partispasi Masyarakat Sekitarnya” on 26 Juni 2021 by online
Dohong A, Aziz A A, and Dargusch P. (2017). A review of the drivers of tropical peatland degradation in South-East Asia. Land Use Policy 69: 349 – 360
Franke J, Navratil P, Keuck V, Peterson K, and Siegert, F. (2012). Monitoring fire and selective logging activities in tropical peat swamp forests. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote Sens 5: 1811–1820.
Hamdan, Achmad A, and Mahbub AS. (2017). “Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Status Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Ko’mara Kabupaten Takalar”. Jurnal Hutan dan Masyarakat 9 (2): 105-113.
Hanapiah P. (2009). “Good Governance, Membangun Masyarakat Yang Demokratis dan Nasionalis”. Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung
Hergoualc’h K, and Verchot, LV. (2013). Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for Land Use and Land-Use Change In Southeast Asian Peatlands. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. CIFOR. Bogor.
Hoscilo A, Page SE, Tansey KJ, and Rieley JO. (2011). Effect of repeated fires on landcover change on peatland in southern Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, from 1973 to 2005. Int. J. Wildland Fire.20: 578–588.
Kurniawan A. 2019. Bangun Kemitraan Demi Mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Accessed by 22 July 2021 from kemitraan-demi-mewujudkan-pembangunan-berkelanjutan
Lee J, Garcia-Ulloa J, Koh L. (2012). Biofuel Expansion in Southeast Asia: Biodiversity Impacts and Policy Guidelines. Cambridge University Press, New York.
Masganti, Wahyunto, Dariah A, Nurhayati, and Yusuf R, (2014). Karakteristik dan Potensi Pemanfaatan Lahan Gambut Terdegradasi di Provinsi Riau. J. Sumberdaya Lahan, 8:47-54.
Miettinen,J, Hooijer A, Tollenaar D, Page DS, Malins C, Vernimmen R, Shi C, and Liew S. (2012) Historical Analysis and Projection of Oil Palm Plantation Expansion on Peatland in Southeast Asia. International Council on Clean Transporation White Paper, Washington DC.
Morgan, Royston.(2008). "HowtoDoaForceField Analysis-TheSevenSteps."How to do a Force Field Analysis” The Seven Steps Enzine How- to-Do-a-Force-Field-Analysis---TheSeven-Steps&id=1752747
Napitupulu RRP. (2021). Strategi Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut Provinsi Jambi melalui Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Partisipasi Masyarakat Sekitarnya. Presented at National Seminar “Strategi Pemulihan Ekosistem Gambut di Provinsi Jambi melalui Konservasi Biodiversitas dan Partispasi Masyarakat Sekitarnya” on 26 Juni 2021 by online
Noor M. (2010). Lahan Gambut. Pengembangan, Konservasi, dan Perubahan Iklim. Gadjah Mada University Press. Yogyakarta.
Pranita E. (2020). Semakin Terancam, Ini 3 Poin Perlindungan Lahan Gambut di Indonesia. Accessed by 9 July 2021 from perlindungan-lahan-gambut-di-indonesia?page=all.
Ramdhan, M. (2017). Analisis Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Kebijakan Restorasi Lahan Gambut di Kalimantan Tengah. Risalah Kebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan 4 (1): 60 -72.
Sarjono MA, and Wulandari C. (2014). Kemitraan KPH dan Masyarakat. In: Strategi Pengembangan KPH dan Perubahan Struktur Kehutanan Indonesia. Direktorat Jenderal Planologi Kehutanan Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Jakarta. pp. 135-154.
Silalahi U. (2009). Metode Penelitian Sosial. PT Refika Aditama. Bandung
Singer P M. (2009). “The Infopeople Project dalam Leading Change - Winter, supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services”. California. Http:// field.pdf Accessed by17 June 2014.
Sitoe AA, and Guedes BS. (2015). “Community Forestry Incentives and Challenges in Mozambique”. Forests 2015, 6, 4558–4572; doi:10.3390/f6124388
Sulistiyani AT.(2004). Kemitraan dan Model-Model Pemberdayaan. Gaya Media. Yogyakarta
Sumantri. (2003). Prinsip Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan. IPB Press. Bogor.
Wulandari C, Budiono P, Yuwono SB, and Herwanti S. (2014). Adoption of agro-forestry patterns and crop system around Register 19 Forest Park, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 20 (2): 86—93.
Wulandari C, and Budiono P. (2016). Food Security under Partnership Scheme at Production Forest Register 42 Way Kanan. Proceeding of USR International Conference on Food Security "Improving Food Security : The Challenges for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change. Emersia Hotel and Resort, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia. 23 – 24 August 2016 Volume II p 29-37.
Wulandari C, and Inoue M. (2018). “The Importance of Social Learning for the Development of Community Based Forest Management in Indonesia: The Case of Community Forestry in Lampung Province”. Small-scale Forestry 17 (3): 361-376.
Wulandari C, Bintoro A, Rusita R, Duryat D, Kaskoyo H, Santoso T, Erwin E, and Budiono P. (2018). Community Forestry Adoption Based on Multipurpose Tree Species Diversity Towards to Sustainable Forest Management in ICEF of University of Lampung, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19(3): 1102 – 1109.
Wahyunto and Mulyani A. (2011). Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut Berkelanjutan. Balai Besar Litbang Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian. Bogor.