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Strengthening Supply Chain for Post COVID-19 Food Security: An Exploratory Research Review
Corresponding Author(s) : Amzul Rifin
Sustainability Science and Resources,
Vol. 3 (2022): Sustainability Science and Resources
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on food supply chains at both domestic and global levels. At the same time, Indonesia's food security index experienced a significant decline. This study presents an exploratory approach-based research review aiming at identifying problems occurring along food supply chain post COVID-19 pandemic, and at examining possible policies, studies and research needed to improve food security. In addition to relevant previous studies, the authors analysed data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and Bank of Indonesia (BI). A number of problems and issues pertinent to Indonesia’s food supply chain that may adversely affect food security are identified and a post COVID-19 “exit strategy” to strengthen food supply chain is explored.
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Khoo, C.S., Knorr, D, 2014, Grand challenges in nutrition and food science technology. Front Nutr. Vol 1:4.
Kita, Pavol., Furková, A., Reiff, Marian., Konštiak, Pavol., Sitášová, Jana, 2017, Impact of Consumer Preferences on Food Chain Choice: An empirical study of consumers in Bratislava. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis. 65(1):293-298.
Knorr, D, Watzke, H, 2019, Food processing at a crossroad. Front Nutr. Vol 6:85.
Kumar, A., Mangla, S.K., Kumar, P., Song, M, 2021, Mitigate risks in perishable food supply chains: Learning from COVID-19. Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change. Vol 166: 120643.
Laborde, D, Martin, W., Swinnen, J, Vos R, 2020, COVID-19 risks to global food security. Science. 369:500–2.
Lambert, H., Gupte, J., Fletcher, H., Hammond, L., Lowe, N., Pelling, M, et al, 2020, COVID- 19 as a global challenge: towards an inclusive and sustainable future. Lancet Planet Heal. 4:e312–4.
La Scalia, G., Settanni, L., Micale, R., and Enea, M, 2016, Predictive shelf-life model based on RF technology for improving the management of food supply chain: a case study.
Hafizah, D., Hakim, D.B., Harianto, H., Nurmalina, R, 2020, Analysing food consumption in
Indonesia. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies. 20 (2):
Sustainability Science and Resources, Vol. 3:5, 2022, pp. 85-107 105
International Journal of RF Technologies. 7 (1): 31-42.
Lau, LS., Samari, G., Moresky, R.T., Casey, S.E., Kachur, S.P., Roberts, L.F., et al, 2020,
COVID-19 in humanitarian settings and lessons learned from past epidemics. Nat Med.
Little, M., Sylvester, O, 2022, Agroecological producers shortening food chains during
COVID-19: Opportunities and challenges in Costa Rica. Agric. Hum. Values 2022, 1–
Luckstead, J., Nayga, R.M., Jr Snell, H.A, 2021, Labor issues in the food supply chain amid the
COVID-19 pandemic. Appl. Econ. Perspect Policy. 43: 382–400.
Meixner, O dan Katt, F, 2020, Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Food Safety Perceptions—A Choice-Based Willingness to Pay Study. Sustainability. 12(18), 7270.
Min, S., Xiang, C., Zhang, X, 2020, Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumers' food
safety knowledge and behavior in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. Volume
(12): 2926-2936. <> Molaee-aghaee, E., dan Alikord, M, 2021, Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and Food Safety System: A Literature Review. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition
and Development. Vol 21:18206-18222. <10.18697/ajfand.101.20795>
Mulyo, J.H., Irham., Jumeri., Widodo, A.H, WIrakusuma, Gilang., Perwitasari, H, 2018, Food Security of Farm Households in Indonesia’s Border Area, Sebatik Island. International
Journal of Engineering & Technology. Vol 7 (3.30): 314-319.
Naidoo, R., dan Fisher, B, 2020, Reset sustainable development goals for a pandemic world.
Nature. 583:198–201.
Ngare, L.W., Derek, O.W, 2021, The Effect of Fuel Prices on Food Prices in Kenya.
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. 11(4), 127-131.>
Poppick, L, 2020, The Effects of COVID-19 Will Ripple through Food Systems. Available
online at:
Ruktanonchai, N.W., Floyd, J.R., Lai, S., Ruktanonchai, C.W., Sadilek, A., Rente-Lourenco,
P, 2020, Assessing the impact of coordinated COVID-19 exit strategies across Europe.
Science. 369:eabc5096.
Rizou, M., Galanakis, I.M., Aldawoud, T.M.S., Galanakis, C.M, 2020, Safety of foods, food
supply chain and environment within the COVID-19 pandemic. Trends Food Sci
Technol. 102:293–9.
Stebbins, R, 2001, Exploratory research in the social sciences: what is exploration? Exploratory
Research in the Social Sciences. 2-18. SAGE Publication Inc.>
Taghizadeh-Hesary, F., Rasoulinezhad, E., Yoshino, N, 2019, Energy and Food Security:
Linkages through Price Volatility. Energy Policy. Vol 128:796-806.
Tanger, S, 2020, Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural Markets. Technical
Report. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17630.66881
Sustainability Science and Resources, Vol. 3:5, 2022, pp. 85-107 106
Tonby, O, 2020, How technology is safeguarding health and livelihoods in Asia. New York: McKinsey Publication.
Urumugam, U., Kanagavalli, G, Manida, M, 2020, Covid-19: Impact of agriculture in India. Aegaeum Journal. Vol 8(5): 480-488. <>
Wade, L, 2020, An unequal blow. Science. Vol 368:700–3.
Zhou L., Sun J., Chang S., Yang N., Li A., 2020., Measurement and Countermeasures of on the Gap between Supply and Demand of Livestock and Poultry Meat during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Consulting Report for Fight against the COVID- 19.
Zuurbier, P.J.P, 2016, Market structure and vertical co-ordination. Wageningen: Wageningen Agricultural University the Netherland.