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The Impact of Macroeconomics and the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Sustainability of Agribusiness Companies in Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Feryanto Feryanto
Sustainability Science and Resources,
Vol. 4 (2023): Sustainability Science and Resources
The Covid -19 pandemic and changes in macroeconomic conditions have had an impact on the performance and sustainability of companies around the world, including in Indonesia. This study analyzes the effects macroeconomic changes and the pandemic have on corporate performance and sustainability, proxied by stock prices. Five macroeconomic variables i.e. inflation, exchange rate, BI interest rate, world oil price, and palm oil price are used as the independent variables, the COVID-19 pandemic as a dummy variable and agribusiness company stock prices as the dependent variable. The data used is secondary data from 2015 to 2020 and analyzed by the ECM (Error Correction Model). The results show that in the short-run, world oil prices and palm oil prices affect upstream agribusiness companies’ share prices, while for the downstream companies, all variables including the COVID-19 pandemic have no effect on share price performance. In the long-run, however, all variables including the COVID-19 pandemic statistically affect upstream companies’ share price performance, while for the downstream companies, all variables but BI interest rate affect share price performance.
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Hermansyah I., & Ariesanti E. 2008. Pengaruh laba bersih terhadap harga saham (sensus pada perusahaan food and beverage yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta). Jurnal Akuntansi FE Unsil, Vol 3(1), 390-396.
Hidayat A.K, Firdaus M., & Sanim B. 2019. pengaruh kapitalisasi pasar saham dan variabel makroekonomi terhadap indeks harga saham gabungan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol 5(2), 332-345.
Irmayani N.W.D. 2020. dampak pandemi covid-19 terhadap reaksi pasar pada sektor consumer goods industry di Bursa Efek Indonesia. E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana, Vol 9(12), 1127-1240.
Karina L.A. 2018. Pengaruh Kejutan Permintaan Dan Penawaran Crude Palm Oil Terhadap Pasar Saham Syariah. Tesis. Universitas Islam Indonesia – Yogyakarta.
Kementerian Pertanian. 2020. Buletin Perencanaan Pembangunan Pertanian. Jakarta.
Khairad F. 2020. Sektor pertanian di tengah pandemi covid-19 ditinjau dari aspek agribisnis. Jurnal Agriuma, Vol 2(2), 82-89.
Kristanto M.E., & Idris. 2016. Analisis pengaruh inflasi, kurs, dan suku bunga terhadap pergerakan bersama return saham ihsg dan volume perdagangan periode januari 2006-desember 2015. Diponegoro Journal Of Management, Vol 5(3):792-806.
Loh E. 2006. The impact of SARS on the performance and risk people of airline stocks. International Journal Of Transport Economics, Vol 33(3), 401-422.
Masoud N., Glenn H. 2012. The impact of financial development on economic growth : empirical analysis of emerging market countries. Economic and Finance, Vol 29(3), 148-173.
Mubarok F, Siregar H, Nuryartono N. 2014. Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan Variabel Makroekonomi terhadap Return Saham Subsektor Perkebunan. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Nizar M.A. 2012. Dampak Fluktuasi Harga Minyak Dunia Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia. Pusat Kebijakan Ekonomi Makro, Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Kementerian Keuangan RI.
Widyastuti N.L., & Nugroho H. 2020. Dampak COVID-19 terhadap industri minyak dan gas bumi: rekomendasi kebijakan untuk Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of Development Planning, Vol 4(2), 166-176. .
Pasaribu S.H., & Saleh S. 2001. Pendekatan koreksi kesalahan dalam persamaan simultan studi kasus: pendapatan dan penawaran uang di Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol 16(1), 18-29.
Pratiwi N.A., Harianto., & Daryanto A. 2015. Peran Agroindustri Hulu dan Hilir Dalam Perekonomian Dan Distribusi Pendapatan Di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis IPB, Vol 14(2), 127-137.
Rachman P. P. 2012. Analisis Pengaruh Variabel Makro Terhadap Return Indeks Sembilan Sektor Pada Bursa Efek Indonesia. Tesis. Universitas Indonesia.
Saraswati H. 2020. Dampak pandemi COVID-19 terhadap pasar saham di Indonesia. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Dewantara, Vol 3(2), 154-163.
Semaun., & Syahriyah. 2020. Dampak Pandemi COVID-19: Stimulus di Tengah Krisis Ekonomi Global. Tesis. Universitas Muslim Indonesia.
Sudiyanto, Bambang., & Chayani Nuswandhari. Beberapa indikator ekonomi dalam mempengaruhi risiko sistematis perusahaan manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia Jakarta. Jurnal Dinamika Keuangan dan Perbankan, Vol 1(2): 66-81.
Sutrisno S, Panuntun B., & Adristi F. I. 2020. Pandemic impact of COVID-19 on the stock market index and return of stock market index (event study on stock market index in ASEAN exchange). MODUS Journals, Vol. 33(1), 47-66.
Topowijono, Topowijono., & Hidaya Tri Afiyati. 2018. Pengaruh inflasi, bi rate, dan nilai tukar terhadap return saham (studi pada perusahaan subsektor food & beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2016). Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB), Vol 61(2):136-143.
Wu, J. T., Leung, K., & Leung, G. M. 2020. Nowcasting and forecasting the potential domestic and international spread of the 2019-nCoV outbreak originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study. The Lancet, Vol 395: 689–697.
Zheng, J. 2020. SARS-CoV-2: an emerging coronavirus that causes a global threat. International Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol 16: 1678–1685.