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Partnership for Sustainable Coffee Certification: Linking Up Smallholder Farmers to Global Coffee Market
Corresponding Author(s) : Bustanul Arifin
Sustainability Science and Resources,
Vol. 2 (2022): Sustainability Science and Resources
This study examines the impacts of partnerships for sustainability certifications in coffee value chains on farm income in Lampung Province, Sumatra-Indonesia. We conducted farm-household surveys, interviewing 171 samples in West Lampung and Tanggamus Districts, consisting of 98 farmers joining partnership and 73 farmers not joining. A probit model is used to determine decisions to join the partnership; ordinary least square (OLS) is used to analyze the determinants of farm income; and Heckman selection-correction model is used to reduce the selection bias in partnership participation. We find some selection in partnerships for sustainability certifications, driven by the age and education of household head, land holding size of coffee farm and the proximity to rural cooperatives-KUBE. The partnership farmers earn higher farm income than those not joining, due to a higher proportion of productive family members. After employing the treatment-effect model, we find that the partnership for sustainability certifications raises farm income, mostly due to higher coffee yield and farm-gate prices. These results reveal the need for policies to support the establishment and encouragement of partnerships for sustainability certifications. The internal control system (ICS) initiated by coffee corporations in implementing the sustainability certifications have improved the trust level between smallholders and global corporations.
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Arifin, B. 2019. “Coffee Eco-Certification: New Challenges on Farmers' Welfare”. Book Chapter in Richard Barichello and Richard Schwindt (Eds), Coordinated Compliance of Trade Policy and Dilemmas of Poverty/Inequality. New York: Routledge.
Arifin, B., M. van Noordwijd, P. Glasbergen, M. Ibnu, and E. Astuti. 2019. “Coffee Eco-Certification in Indonesia: Reconciling Conflicting Goals?”, Ecosystem and People (forthcoming).
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Barrett, C.B., M.E. Bachke, M.F. Bellemare, H.C. Michelson, S. Narayanan, and T.F.
Walker. 2012. Smallholder Participation in Contract Farming: Comparative
Evidence from Five Countries. World Development 40 (4): 715–30.
Bellemare, M.F. 2012. “As You Sow, So Shall You Reap: The Welfare Impacts of Contract Farming”. World Development 40 (7): 1418–34.
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DeFries, R., Fanzo, J., Mondal, P., Remans, R. and Wood, S. 2017. “Is voluntary certification of tropical agricultural commodities achieving sustainability goals for small-scale producers? A review of the evidence” Environmental Research Letters 12 (2017).
Gereffi, G. J. Humprey and T. Sturgeon. 2005. “The Governance of Global Value Chains” Review of International Political Economy 12 (1), pp: 78-104.
Giovannucci, D. and S. Ponte. 2005. “Standards as New Form of Social Contract?: Sustainability Initiatives in the Coffee Industry”. Food Policy 30 (3): 284-301.
Glasbergen, P. and G. Schouten. 2015. “Transformative Capacities of Global Private Sustainability Standards: A Reflection on Scenarios in the Field of Agricultural Commodities”. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship Issue, 58, pp: 85-101.
Glasbergen, P. 2018. “Smallholders do not Eat Certificates”, Ecological Economics 147, pp: 243-252
Henson, S. and J. Humprey. 2010. “Understanding the Complexities of Private Standards in Global Agri-Food Chains as They Impact Developing Countries”, Journal of Development Studies, 46(9) pp: 1628–1646
Ibnu, M., P. Glasbergen, A. Offermans, and B. Arifin. 2015. “Farmer Preferences for Coffee Certification: A Conjoint Analysis of the Indonesian Smallholders”. Journal of Agricultural Science 7 (6): 20-35.
Ibnu, M., A. Offermans & P. Glasbergen. 2018. “Certification and Farmer Organisation: Indonesian Smallholder Perceptions of Benefits”. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 54(3): 387-415.
Kolk, A. 2012. “Towards a Sustainable Coffee Market: Paradoxes Faced by a Multinational Company”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 19(2): 79–89.
Leimona, B., M van Noordwijk, D. Mithöfer and O.O. Cerutti, 2018. “Environmentally and socially responsible global production and trade of timber and tree crop commodities: certification as a transient issue-attention cycle response to ecological and social issues”. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13: 497-502.
Manning, S., F. Boons, O. von Hagen and J. Reinecke. 2012. “National contexts matter: The co-evolution of sustainability standards in global value chains” Ecological Economics 83, pp: 197-209.
Minot, N., and B. Sawyer. 2016. ‘‘Contract Farming in Developing Countries: Theory,
Practice, and Policy Implications” in A. Devax, T. Maximo, J. Donovan, and H. Douglass (Eds.), Innovation for Inclusive Value-chain Development: Successes and Challenges. Chapter 4. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI. pp. 127–158.
Miyata, S., N. Minot, and D. Hu. 2009. “Impact of Contract Farming on Income: Linking Small Farmers, Packers, and Supermarkets in China”. World Development 37 (11): 1781–90.
Mithöfer, D., M. van Noordwijk, B. Leimona, and P. Cerutti. 2017. “Certify and shift blame, or resolve issues? Environmentally and socially responsible global trade and production of timber and tree crops”, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 13: 72-85
Narayanan, S. 2014. “Profits from Participation in High-value Agriculture: Evidence of Heterogeneous Benefits in Contract Farming Schemes in Southern India”. Food Policy 44: 142–57.
Neilson, J. 2008. “Global private regulation and value-chain restructuring in Indonesian smallholder coffee systems”, World Development 36 (9): 1607-1622.
Otsuka, K., Y. Nakano, and K. Takahashi. 2016. “Contract Farming in Developed
and Developing Countries”. Annual Review of Resource Economics 8:353–76
Ragasa, C. I. Lambrecht, and D. Kufoalar. 2018. “Limitations of Contract Farming as a Pro-poor Strategy: The Case of Maize Outgrower Schemes in Upper West Ghana”. World Development. 102: 130-136
Ruben, R. and G. Zuniga-Arias. 2011. “How standards compete: comparative impact of coffee certification schemes in Northern Nicaragua”, Supply Chain Management International Journal 16 (2): 98–109.
Reynolds, L., D. Murray and A. Heller. 2006. “Regulating Sustainability in the Coffee Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Third-Party Environmental and Social Certification Initiatives”. Agriculture and Human Values 24 (2): 147-163.
Swinnen J.F.M. and A.Vandeplas. 2011. “Rich consumers and poor producers: quality and rent distribution in global value chains”. Journal of Global Development 2(2): 1–28
Ton, G, W. Vellema, S. Desiere, S. Weituschat, M. D’Haese. 2018. “Contract farming for improving smallholder incomes: What can we learn from effectiveness studies?” World Development 104: 46–64
Van Noordwijk, M., S. Rahayu, K. Hairiah, Y. Wulan, A. Farida, and B. Verbist. 2002. “Carbon stock assessment for a forest-to-coffee conversion landscape in Sumber-Jaya (Lampung, Indonesia): from allometric equations to land use change analysis”, Science in China (Series C) Vol 45 Supp.75-86.
Van Noordwijk, M., B. Leimona, and S. Amaruzaman. 2019. “Sumber Jaya from conflict to source of wealth in Indonesia: reconciling coffee agroforestry and watershed functions”. In: van Noordwijk M (Ed.) Sustainable Development Through Trees on Farms: Agroforestry in its Fifth Decade. Bogor: World Agroforestry (ICRAF). pp 153-165.
Van Rijsbergen, B., W. Elbers, R. Rueben, and S Njuguna. 2016. “The Ambivalent Impact of Coffee Certification on Farmers’ Welfare: A Matched Panel Approach for Cooperatives in Central Kenya”, World Development 77: 277-292.