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Double Roles of Married Working Women in Indonesia: For Better or for Worse?
Sustainability Science and Resources,
Vol. 1 (2021): Sustainability Science and Resources
SDGs 2030 have at least two goals that strongly converged to gender equality of pay, gender equality (Goal 5), and decent work and economic growth (Goal 8). Marital status argued to have significant contribution in gender inequality of pay and the root of female wage penalty. The argument associated with traditional family division of labour, where men responsible for family breadwinner and women for family caregiver. We examine this argument in Indonesia experiences with additional feature of multiple breadwinner models in the family. Utilizing Indonesian National Labour Force Survey of 2015 of more than 150.000 workers, our twofold regression compatible Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition analysis confirmed the existence of statistically significant gender wage gap even when controlling for the human capital investment, family division of labour, institutional instrument and discrimination. Our findings suggest that married women tend to take a double roles than married men, being family breadwinner as well as family caregiver. In that double roles model, wage rate are highest among working women and marriage wage penalty died out. Unfortunately gender wage gap and wage discrimination persisted. While the role of minimum wage as current nominal institutional labour market instrument still trivial, other factors must also be addressed toward gender equality of pay and more efficient labour market.
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- Aigner, D. J., & Cain, G. G. (1977). Statistical theories of discrimination in labour markets. ILR Review, 30(2), 175-187.
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- Bear, J. B., & Glick, P. (2017). Breadwinner bonus and caregiver penalty in workplace rewards for men and women. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(7), 780-788.
- Beblo, M., Beninger, D., Heinze, A., & Laisney, F. (2003). Measuring selectivity-corrected gender wage gaps in the EU.
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- Bradbury, K. L. (2000). Rising tide in the labor market: to what degree do expansions benefit the disadvantaged?. New England Economic Review, 3-34.
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- Charles, C. Z. (2003). The dynamics of racial residential segregation. Annual review of sociology, 29(1), 167-207.
- Cotton, J. (1988). On the decomposition of wage differentials. The review of economics and statistics, 236-243.
- Creighton, C. (1999). The rise and decline of the ‘male breadwinner family' in Britain. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23(5), 519-541.
- Dasgupta, S., Bhula-or, R., & Fakthong, T. (2015). Earnings differentials between formal and informal employment in Thailand (No. 994896403402676). International Labour Organization.
- De Hoon, Sean; Keizer, Renske; Dykstra, Pearl (2015) : The male marriage wage premium in cross- national perspective, LIS Working Paper Series, No. 642.
- De Linde Leonard, M., & Stanley, T. D. (2015). Married with children: What remains when observable biases are removed from the reported male marriage wage premium? Labour Economics, 33, 72-80.
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- Hallward-Driemeier, M., Rijkers, B., & Waxman, A. (2015). Can minimum wages close the gender wage gap? Evidence from Indonesia. Review of Income and Wealth.
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- Leuze, K., & Strauß, S. (2016). Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? How ‘female- typical’work tasks and working-time arrangements affect the gender wage gap among higher education graduates. Work, employment and society, 30(5), 802-820.
- Lewis, J. (1992). Gender and the development of welfare regimes. Journal of European social policy, 2(3), 159-173.
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De Hoon, Sean; Keizer, Renske; Dykstra, Pearl (2015) : The male marriage wage premium in cross- national perspective, LIS Working Paper Series, No. 642.
De Linde Leonard, M., & Stanley, T. D. (2015). Married with children: What remains when observable biases are removed from the reported male marriage wage premium? Labour Economics, 33, 72-80.
Doeringer, P. B., & Piore, M. J. (1971). 1971Internal Labor Markets and Manpower Analysis. Lexington, MA: Heath.
Eagly, A. H. (1997). Sex differences in social behavior: comparing social role theory and evolutionary psychology.
Fortin, N., Lemieux, T., & Firpo, S. (2011). Decomposition methods in economics. Handbook of labour economics, 4, 1-102.
Fuchs, H. (2016). Gender gaps in the labour market: wage and occupational segregation. State of the Nation Report 2015.
Gorman, E. H. (2000). Marriage and money: The effect of marital status on attitudes toward pay and finances. Work and Occupations, 27(1), 64-88.
Gould, E., Schieder, J., & Geier, K. (2016). What is the gender pay gap and is it real?. Economic Policy Institute.
Hallward-Driemeier, M., Rijkers, B., & Waxman, A. (2015). Can minimum wages close the gender wage gap? Evidence from Indonesia. Review of Income and Wealth.
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International Labour Organization (ILO), (2016). Minimum Wage Policy Guide, Geneva: Switzerland.
International Labour Organization (ILO), 2014. Minimum Wage Systems, General Survey of the reports on the Minimum Wage Fixing Convention, 1970 (No. 131), and the Minimum Wage Fixing Recommendation, 1970 (No. 135), Geneva: Switzerland.
Jann, B. (2008). The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition for linear regression models. The Stata Journal, 8(4), 453-479.
Jovanovic, B. (1979). Job matching and the theory of turnover. Journal of political economy, 87(5, Part 1), 972-990.
Jurajda, Š. (2003). Gender wage gap and segregation in enterprises and the public sector in late transition countries. Journal of comparative Economics, 31(2), 199-222.
Leuze, K., & Strauß, S. (2016). Why do occupations dominated by women pay less? How ‘female- typical’work tasks and working-time arrangements affect the gender wage gap among higher education graduates. Work, employment and society, 30(5), 802-820.
Lewis, J. (1992). Gender and the development of welfare regimes. Journal of European social policy, 2(3), 159-173.
Lewis, J. (2001). The decline of the male breadwinner model: Implications for work and care. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 8(2), 152-169.
Lim, M. (2015). Cohort and Gender Differences and the Marriage Wage Premium: Findings from the
NLSY79 and the NLSY97.
Mihăilă, R. (2016). Female labor force participation and gender wage discrimination. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 6(1), 262-268.
Mincer, J. (1962). Labour force participation of married women: A study of labour supply. In Aspects of labour economics (pp. 63-105). Princeton University Press.
Mincer, J. (1958). Investment in human capital and personal income distribution. Journal of political economy, 66(4), 281-302.
Mincer, J. (1974). Schooling, Experience, and Earnings. Human Behavior & Social Institutions No. 2. Mincer, J., & Polachek, S. W. (1974). Family investments in human capital: Earnings of women. Journal of political Economy, 82(2, Part 2), S76-S108.
Ndamsa, D. T., Njong, M. A., Baye, F. M., & Youyem, J. (2015). Investigating the role of male advantage and female disadvantage in explaining the discrimination effect of the gender pay gap in the Cameroon labour market. Oaxaca-Ransom decomposition approach. EuroEconomica, 34(1).
Nwaka, I. D., Guven-Lisaniler, F., & Tuna, G. (2016). Gender wage differences in Nigerian self and paid employment: Do marriage and children matter?. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 27(4), 490-510.
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Oelz, M., Olney, S., & Tomei, M. (2013). Equal pay: An introductory guide. Geneva: International Labour Office.
Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. (2018). Economic Inequality by Gender. Our World in Data, Our World in Data, 13.
Paglin, M., & Rufolo, A. M. (1990). Heterogeneous human capital, occupational choice, and male- female earnings differences. Journal of Labour Economics, 8(1, Part 1), 123-144.
Parry, B. R., & Segalo, P. (2017). Eating Burnt Toast: The Lived Experiences of Female Breadwinners in South Africa. Journal of International Women's Studies, 18(4), 182-196.
Perales, F. (2013). Occupational sex-segregation, specialized human capital and wages: evidence from Britain. Work, Employment and Society, 27(4), 600-620.
Petersen, T., Penner, A. M., & Høgsnes, G. (2014). From motherhood penalties to husband premia: The new challenge for gender equality and family policy, lessons from Norway. American Journal of Sociology, 119(5), 1434-1472.
Plasman, R., & Sissoko, S. (2004). Comparing apples with oranges: Revisiting the gender wage gap in an international perspective, IZA Discussion Paper No. 1449.
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Schultz, T. W. (1960). Capital formation by education. Journal of political economy, 68(6), 571-583. Schultz, T. W. (1961). Investment in human capital. The American economic review, 1-17.
Sissoko, S. (2007). Wage inequalities in Europe: influence of gender and family status: a series of empirical essays.
Stanley, T. D., & Jarrell, S. B. (1998). Gender wage discrimination bias? A meta-regression analysis. Journal of Human Resources, 947-973.
Statistic Indonesia, (2016). Potret Ketimpangan Gender dalam Ekonomi, Statistik Gender Tematik, (Portrait of Gender Inequality in the Economy, Thematic Gender Statistics).
Sugiyarto, G., & Endriga, B. A. (2008). Do minimum wages reduce employment and training?. Suleman, F., & Figueiredo, M. D. C. (2018). Wage differentials within a female‐dominated occupation: Domestic workers in informal and flexible jobs in Portugal. International Labour Review, 157(1), 129-152.
Taniguchi, K., & Tuwo, A. (2014). New Evidence on the Gender Wage Gap in Indonesia. Waite, L., & Gallagher, M. (2000). The case for marriage: Why married.
Waldfogel, J. (1998). Understanding the" family gap" in pay for women with children. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12(1), 137-156.
Walton, K. (2019). ‘Doing it all’: Indonesian Women’s Women Double Burden, Al-Jazeera.
Weber, B., & Wolter, S. (1999). Wages and human capital: evidence from Switzerland. Returns to human capital in Europe.
Weichselbaumer, D., & Winter‐Ebmer, R. (2005). A meta‐analysis of the international gender wage gap. Journal of Economic Surveys, 19(3), 479-511.
World Economic Forum, (2015), The Global Gender Gap Report 2015, Geneva: World Economic Forum.
Xiu, L., & Gunderson, M. (2015). Occupational segregation and the gender earnings gap in China: devils in the details. International Journal of Manpower, 36(5), 711-732.